23rd – 27th May was Green-schools Biodiversity week. Our school decided to focus on pollinators for the week. All classes learned about the importance of pollinators for healthy ecosystems. We ran a competition to design a pollinator-friendly garden and some classes planted seeds and made bird feeders from recycled materials. The highlight of the week was the Bee Walk which Ms Kelly’s and Ms Osborne’s classes went on, guided by Charlie and Marion from Sustainable Skerries. The pupils learned all about the very rare Large Carder Bee which has been found in Skerries. They found lots of species of plant and bees on the South Strand and one eagle-eyed pupil even managed to spot a Large Carder Bee.
Stationery Lists 2023-2024
Please click below to view the list of stationery required by pupils this year. All school books and copies will be provided by the school.