Partnership Schools
Partnership Schools Ireland is a joint initiative by National Parents Council Primary (NPC), the Irish Primary Principals’ Network and the Department of Education and Skills. Better outcomes for children are the main objectives of a “Partnership School”, achieved by the whole school community, planning and working together on agreed activities.
The PSI team are made up of students, teachers, parents and members of the community. They focus on an area of school life that they believe could be improved and work together to put measures in place to improve that area. The PSI team is a fun experience for students and also allows students to work with teachers and parents and develop leadership skills.
Last year the PSI team worked on two areas. Led my Ms. Tully and Ms. Guest and in conjunction with Skerries ‘Men Sheds’, they painted the school fencing and with Mr. McGinty they worked on promoting informal Irish in classes by taking part in P.E. ‘as Gaeilge’.
This year the PSI programme is being coordinated by Ms. McKenna.